

Bredy Network Management Corporation (BNMC) has been serving the Northeast area since 1988. BNMC works as a strategic business partner to provide organizations with proven design, implementation and support solutions.

Are Your Team Members Contributing to Serious Operational Issues?

Are Your Team Members Contributing to Serious Operational Issues?

Businesses face a myriad of challenges, many of which originate from within their walls. Whether it's dealing with cyberthreats, dissatisfied customers, or unreliable suppliers, every business leader must navigate various internal and external issues. However, internal problems can sometimes be the most disruptive. Today, we’ll explore two significant employee-related challenges that can create substantial obstacles for business owners.

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Productivity, Part 4: Boosting Productivity and Motivation


At this point in our productivity blog journey, we’ve discussed what productivity is, how it can be measured, and what goes into protecting it. To wrap things up, we’re discussing what you can do to maximize productivity for your employees so that your business can grow and prosper.

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Productivity Optimization Part Three - What Issues Can Impact an Individual’s Productivity?


The past couple weeks have been dedicated to productivity on this blog, as well as how you can get more of it, so today we wanted to go over some of the impediments to productivity that you’ll have to watch out for. We’ll also cover how you can overcome them so that your productivity is not hampered needlessly.

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Setting Up a Robust Wi-Fi Network


These days, with bandwidth rising substantially, most businesses have to have a robust and secure wireless connection to support all the devices that are in need of connection. This opens up a lot of questions on how best to go about doing this. Today, we will discuss some of the very best practices you should consider when you are putting together your business’ Wi-Fi network. 

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3 Tips to Keep Your Smartphone From Being a Distraction


Let’s face it, the thought of leaving your house without your phone is a nightmare. We take these devices everywhere; and why not? They are powerful computers, with an amazing amount of integrated software, and a touch screen that fits in most pockets. Unfortunately, these devices are also powerful computers that feature apps that can broadcast extremely distracting content. 

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How Downtime Can Cost Your Business


Downtime is a business killer, and if you’re not careful, it could hold your organization back from both performing optimally and recovering effectively. Downtime can have a considerable impact on your organization, which is why most companies do what they can to prevent it in all forms. Let’s look at some ways you can keep downtime from impacting your bottom line.

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Tip of the Week: How to Create a Windows Shortcut


It can be frustrating having a file or folder on your PC that you need to access all the time, without having a shortcut to access it with. Thankfully, Windows makes it easy to add a new shortcut for just about anything, be it a file, folder, program, and so on. Here’s how you can create new shortcuts for specific files or folders on your Windows PC.

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What You Need to Know to Manage a Remote Workforce

What You Need to Know to Manage a Remote Workforce

There are many reasons that your team may want (or need) to work from home, and there are many reasons to allow them to do so. A 2019 survey by OwlLabs indicated that 71 percent of remote workers are happy with their job (as compared to 55 percent of on-site workers); remote workers responded that they are 13   percent more likely than onsite workers to stay in their current job for five more years than onsite workers will; and when respondents claimed to be working longer than 40 hours per week, onsite workers were doing so out of necessity, while remote workers did so out of desire and enjoyment.

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The Employee’s Guide to Working Remotely

The Employee’s Guide to Working Remotely

It’s not uncommon where a situation arises and you will find yourself working from home. To make this work, it is important that you keep a few additional issues in mind so that you can make the most of it. We have put together a few simple best practices that you should keep in mind as you operate remotely.

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Can You Identify Productivity Issues?

Can You Identify Productivity Issues?

High degrees of productivity can be difficult to achieve for a lot of organizations, and this is primarily due to everyone’s least favorite part of the workplace: rampant distractions. Your business’ productivity can suffer from even the most unlikely reasons. We’ll help you address them so you can minimize distractions in the workplace.

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Tip of the Week: Outlook 2016 Can Do More than You Think

Tip of the Week: Outlook 2016 Can Do More than You Think

Email is one of the most common productivity tools in any office. It can also be one of the easiest to become disorganized. However, users of Microsoft Outlook 2016 will find that the program provides plenty of useful tools to ensure that your communications don’t get out of hand. For this week’s tip, we’ll explore some of them.

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Tip of the Week: Don’t Let These 4 Office Distractions Get the Best of You

Tip of the Week: Don’t Let These 4 Office Distractions Get the Best of You

It’s time to be realistic and admit that the office can be an extraordinarily distracting place. Constant meetings and discussions, phones ringing, and emails hitting the inbox can all seem overwhelming. With so much going on, how can you get the most work done while still remaining in contact with your co-workers?

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Tip of the Week: Chrome Extension Educates Users On Why Their Grammar is Bad

Tip of the Week: Chrome Extension Educates Users On Why Their Grammar is Bad

Grammar is quite complex, and it can be a problem for some people who don’t write or compose documents on a daily basis. One way that you can correct your writing, as well as learn why your writing needs correction, is by using a free Google Chrome extension called Grammarly.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Brilliant Ways to Get More Work Done

b2ap3_thumbnail_productivity_tips_400.jpgThere are some workdays where distractions are abound and you can’t even remember what you’re supposed to be doing. In trying times like these, you need all the help you can get, just to stay focused and on task. Here are four simple adjustments to your work routine that have been proven to do wonders to increase productivity.

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Tip of the Week: It Seems Counterproductive, But Taking Breaks Actually Improves Productivity

b2ap3_thumbnail_break_at_work_400.jpgToday’s workplace productivity has reached a peak, but thanks to this enhanced amount of work, the office environment can often feel hectic and stressful. This usually leads to workers skipping breaks just so that they don’t fall behind. While this maintains the semblance of productivity, it can often lead to a significant decrease in creativity and physical health.

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